The Cedar Public
Access Channel
Early into the pandemic shutdown, The Cedar Cultural Center unveiled the Cedar Public Access Channel, an online content stream that presented interactive concerts, discussions, interviews, archival recordings, education programs, and more, all planned and produced by artists in collaboration with The Cedar. One Thursday every month at 7:30pm, audiences from around the world would tune into the Cedar Public Access Channel on our Facebook or YouTube for a unique livestream or recorded premiere.
Inspired by the way that early public broadcasting efforts were designed to fill gaps in commercial media with independent programming, the Cedar Public Access Channel provided an online platform for artists to present independently-produced, low-cost, and inspiring content, unique to the artists’ voice. Each program was different as artists explored how to use the space and leaned into presenting material that wasn’t always an option in a typical live concert environment.
All programs continue to be available for free with a suggested donation of $10 or more to cover the costs of the program; all artists were paid. You can make a donation to The Cedar at https://thecedar.org/donate
Got a project you think would be good fit to be featured on the Cedar Public Access Channel? Though this channel is mainly an archive these days, feel free to email our Community and Grant-Funded Programs Manager, Robert Lehmann, at rlehmann@thecedar.org.
Past Programming
These people responded to our call for donations as part of GiveMN’s #GiveatHomeMN campaign, from May 1st to May 8th to support the launch of the Cedar Public Access Channel. We are immensely grateful for their support in kicking off this initiative.
Special thanks to
Bridgit Jordan, Mint Kunkel, Marisa Gage, Talon Sims, Heather Kidd, Andrew Adelmann, Chris Hepola, Phoebe Ward, Irene Alderson, John Schmit, Margaret Mahoney, Cara Peterson, Hui Wilcox, Klee Burke, Leo Christenson, Colleen O’Neill, Chris Juettner, Mark & Cathy Ortenburger, Curtis J. Klotz, Brenda Armson DesJardin, Karl Snyder, Maryam Marne Zafar, Paul Moore, Ciaran Daly, Azul Kmiecik, John Meilner, Ben Nicholson, Claudia Melbye, Deborah Ingebretsen, Don Lorr, Barbara Sogn-Frank, Peter Zeftel, Rick & Lisa Wheeler, Douglas Maltby, Troy Meyer, Jay Carlson, Greg Anderson, Dave Savageau, Kathy Wedl, Joe Smedsrud, Diane Helgerson, Michael Hull, David Lasecke, Patrick Murphy, Katharine Pitney, Konner Johnson, Amy Cortright, Kyle Feldman, Julia Tabbut, Alicia Cozine, Anonymous, Bruce Blacher, Laurel Elmer, Laura Fritz, Janet L Woolman, Margaret Belew, Claude Riedel, Jacob Strauss, Eric Blodgett, Anonymous, Timothy Wahl, Heather Koshiol, Stanley Kusunoki, Kathy Starkey, Joel Weisberg, Tim Nelson, Joel Ronningen, Jessica Riemer, Marie Tigelaar, Jinath Tasnim
Programming on The Cedar Public Access Channel was made possible in part by a grant from The Nash Foundation.